Azure Role Based Access Control is a Build and Release Task for Build / Release pipeline.
With this task you can alter role-based access assignments on resource groups.
Within the task multiple parameters need to be specified:
Azure Subscription: The subscription to perform the assignments on.
Resource Group: The Azure resource group name.
Action: The specific action to perform: Add or Remove.
Azure Role Assignment: The Role Assignment.
Users, Group or Applications: Perform the action for users or groups.
Groups: Visible when Groups action is chosen. In this field you need to specify the group names. For multiple separate by (',').
Users: Visible when Users action is chosen. In this field you need to specify the user principal names of the users. For multiple separate by (',').
Applications: Visible when Applications action is chosen. In this field you need to specify the display names of the applications. For multiple separate by (',').
Fail on Error: Boolean value whether the task should fail when a error occurs.