IoTEdge Module Task
Manage Azure IoT Edge Modules
Deployment file path
Path to a deployment JSON file (sample below)
Edge device id
Device ID of the IoT Edge device to provision the deployment to.
E.g. Edge 1
IoT-Hub name
The name of the IoT Hub.
For it is x
IoT Hub key name
The key name.
E.g. iothubowner
IoT Hub key
The base64 key for the name.
Deployment File Sample:
"moduleContent": {
"$edgeAgent": {
"properties.desired": {
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"runtime": {
"type": "docker",
"settings": {
"minDockerVersion": "v1.25",
"loggingOptions": ""
"systemModules": {
"edgeAgent": {
"type": "docker",
"settings": {
"image": "",
"createOptions": ""
"edgeHub": {
"type": "docker",
"status": "running",
"restartPolicy": "always",
"settings": {
"image": "",
"createOptions": ""
"modules": {
"tempSensor": {
"version": "1.0",
"type": "docker",
"status": "running",
"restartPolicy": "always",
"settings": {
"image": "",
"createOptions": "{}"
"$edgeHub": {
"properties.desired": {
"schemaVersion": "1.0",
"routes": {
"route": "FROM /* INTO $upstream"
"storeAndForwardConfiguration": {
"timeToLiveSecs": 7200