Know what types of data you're editing.
A pleasant dark theme that is easy on your eyes and keeps you focused on work.
Arctic Candy Dark Theme:
If the theme is not working (nearly everything is orange) you need to change the Identifier
to Automatic or Default (If it's on Default, switch it to Automatic and vice versa).
You can find this option in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors ->
show settings for: Text Editor -> Display items: Identifier
Note: This bug should be fixed in the 17.10 preview 3 update.
Optional: Change the following Text Editor settings to bold -> Keyword - Control, Operator - Overloaded,
User Types - Classes, User Types - Delegates, User Types - Enums, User Types - Interfaces, User Types - Modules,
User Types - Record Structs, User Types - Records, User Types - Structures, User Types - Type Parameters