Widget to show the SonarQube Quality Gate status for a project
Quick steps to get started
Edit your dashboard
Select the Quality Gate Widget
Enter a title, a SonarQube project key and the URL for your SonarQube server
Add and arrange one or more of the widgets on your dashboard.
Known issue(s)
You need to provide the full url for your SonarQube API.
Example: https://localhost/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey=
SonarQube does not support HTTPS natively, so you need to setup a simple proxy for this. If you do not do this, then your browser will block any mixed protocol content you might want to serve.
SonarQube does not provide CORS support natively, so you need to setup the response header for this. For VSTS, the header could be: Access-Control-Allow-Origin = https://<your account>.visualstudio.com
Learn More
The source to this extension is available. Feel free to take, fork, and improve!