Dash-CIDash-CI is a simple dashing.io like dashboard to show (almost) real time continuous integration tasks status and other project information. This application fits best using Google Chrome, full screen (F11) at a TV or large monitor. RunningThere are two options for running Dash-CI: Online from github.io or local at your machine with node or any web server. To run online, goto http://junalmeida.github.io/dash-ci/dist To run from source, download, extract and run Dash-Ci does not need a back-end. It uses browser local storage to save settings and service API's. First version ships with Microsoft TFS (or Visual Studio Online) widgets and Gitlab widgets. Although Dash-CI does not need a backend, to use it with On-Premises TFS 2015, you need to serve dash-ci files at the same domain of tfs (such as http://tfs.yourcompany.com/dash-ci) to use ntlm. If you cannot do this due to some restrictions at your company, you can use "tfs-onpremise-ntlm" project. This executable serves the dash-ci files and redirects tfs api requests to the real tfs url using ntlm to authenticate. UsageRun online and click at the edit button to add or configure global options. If this is your first usage, you need to set gitlab and/or tfs host and private access key. Widgets
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