Ver.1.1 has bug: unobtrusive validation does not work. Ver.1.2 has bug: It does not work at ASP.NET MVC4 RC, not Beta.
Please update ver.1.3.
MVC 4 Layout Page via Twitter Bootstrap starter template with Razor syntax (CSHTML).
How to use?
Install this item template on your Visual Studio.
Open (or create) ASP.NET MVC4 project.
Install "Twitter.Bootstrap" NuGet package (in package manager console, enter "PM> Install-Package Twitter.Bootstrap"), and update jQuery to ver.1.7.1 or higher.
Add new item from "MVC4 TwitterBootstrap Starter Layout Page (Razor)" template to "~/Views/Shared" folder, such as "_MyLayout.cshtml".
Change to use the new layout page (maybe edit _ViewStart.cshtml).