OpenDDSharpOpenDDS wrapper for .NET languages. OpenDDS is an open source implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS), developed and copyrighted by Object Computing Incorporated (OCI). The OMG DDS specification is intended to be suitable for systems whose requirements include real-time, high volume, robustness, failure tolerant data distribution utilizing a publish and subscribe model. OpenDDS Website: OpenDDSharp has been compiled with OpenDDS v3.18.1
How to BuildIn order to ease the build process of OpenDDSharp, a Powershell script is provided in the repository The script will download and compile OpenDDS in a new Visual Studio 2019 is required to build the project. In addition to the standard installation, you must ensure that the following individual components are installed:
Some parameters can be provided to configure the compilation process: BuildPlatform: Defines the platform to build OpenDDSharp. The accepted values are BuildConfiguration: Defines the configuration to build OpenDDSharp. The accepted values are OpenDdsVersion: Defines the OpenDDS version that will be downloaded and compiled. If this parameter is not provided, the default value is PerlPath: Defines the Perl path to be used during the OpenDDS compilation. Perl is used for the OpenDDS configure script to generate the Visual Studio project files. It is recommended to use Straweberry Perl. By default the IgnoreThirdPartySetup: You can ignore the OpenDDS compilation with this parameter if it was already compiled by a previous call to the script. Example: