Portfolio++ helps development teams visualize work to plan and collaborate more effectively.
Portfolio++ provides three different views: Roadmap, Status, and Kanban. These views can be multi-project, multi-team, or multi-query.
Roadmaps are Gantt chart styled, and selected backlog work-items can be expanded or collapsed down to the task level. Status provides basic insights into the quality of selected work-items, e.g. user-stories missing story points. Kanban shows teams the current state of their selected work-items.
Portfolio++ Roadmaps are built two ways: Manual and Generated. Manual mode uses 'Start-Date' and 'Target-date' to show a selected work-item's duration on a roadmap. Generated mode will calculate a selected work-item's time duration based on the first and last iteration dates of the work-item itself and all of its children. Many teams use both build modes, to compare their initial plans (Manual Mode) against the reality of their work-in-progress (Generated Mode). Generated mode is the default.
Portfolio++ will show work items from any Project that a user can access. It won't show information that a user does not have permission to access.
There are two versions of Portfolio++™, Free and Pro.
The free version enables users to build Roadmaps by selecting Epics from any Project. The Pro version enables users to select any type of work-item, and enables several other program management features, e.g. cross-project Kanban, milestones, dependencies, and other tools that help to dramatically accelerate understanding, collaborations, and planning.
Portfolio++ (Free)
Build Roadmaps by Project

Roadmap Epic/Feature Timeline (Cross Project)

Portfolio Status

Portfolio++ Pro™
A Portfolio++ Pro™ subscription provides additional features, views, and flexibility.
In addition to building Roadmaps by Project, Pro users can build Roadmaps by Team or by Query. Pro users can also select any work-item, of any type, at any level - and change the display order of work-items in Roadmaps. Portfolio++ Pro™ also provides a Portfolio Kanban that shows selected work-items by state across Projects, Teams, or Queries.
PAID Version Major Features:
Build Roadmaps by Team

Build Roadmaps by Query

Portfolio Kanban - Segmented by Project, Team or Query

Select any work item, any level, any type!

To upgrade to Portfolio++ Pro, click on the "Uprade to Pro" button anywhere within the Portfolio++ extension.
Trial: Portfolio++ Pro™ offers a Trial Subscription with no credit card required. After 28 days, you'll need to switch to a Paid Subscription, available in Individual, Organization, or Enterprise options.
Individual: Individual subscriptions are for a single user, within a single Azure DevOps Organization. Individual subscriptions can be bought directly from Portfolio++™ for $10/month, or $110/year. The annual subscription offers a $10 savings. This discount applies when purchasing directly from the extension.
Organization: Azure DevOps Organization subscriptions provide unlimited access to all users within a single organization. Organization subscriptions can be purchased directly within Portfolio++™ for $200/month or $2200/year, netting a $200 savings when purchasing directly through the extension.
Enterprise subscriptions: are tailored for large businesses with multiple Azure DevOps Organizations. Savings increase as more Organizations are included and go up even further with annual commitments. For Enterprise needs, please reach out to us at info@iTrellis.com.
NEW! Portfolio++ Pro Individual and Organization subscriptions can be added directly to your Microsoft Azure tenant. This feature is now available on the 'Upgrade to Pro' menu option.

If you would like our help with your Azure DevOps Organization setup, or Portfolio++, please contact us at info@iTrellis.com

Configuration Details
Requirements for Use
- Portfolio++™ requires Azure DevOps Services, Server 2022, Server 2020 or Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1
- 'Manage Extensions' permission is required to install Portfolio++™
- For Users to see Projects in Portfolio++, they need both access to the Projects and Analytics permissions enabled for those Projects. If some projects are not appearing, please verify that Analytics permissions are turned on for those Projects and users. For more information on Analytics permissions please refer to this document.
- Azure DevOps Organization Project Process Templates should be Agile, Scrum, CMMI, Basic, or inherit from them.
- Azure DevOps Server 2019 pre-Update 1 is not supported. We recommend upgrading.
- Cross-Project Queries are not supported in Azure DevOps 2019 Server. We recommend upgrading.
- On the Status view, when using the Cross-Project Queries option, Work-items linked from other Projects will not be counted when they are of types not recognized by the Parent's Project Process Template
- Roadmaps can access Projects within an Azure DevOps Organization, but cannot access Projects across Azure DevOps Organizations.
- In the Options drop-down menu, when ‘Manual Mode’ is toggled 'on', Roadmaps require that each Epic and Feature’s Start Date and Target Date be defined or that they are in an Iteration Path with Start and End dates defined. Otherwise, they will not be shown.
- When using the Build-by-Query Pro feature, only 'Shared Queries' can be selected.
- Supported browsers: Edge, Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers work well. Use of other browsers is not recommended.
- XML Process templates may not work. If this is the case, please contact us for support at info@iTrellis.com.
- Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 does not provide the information required for all Portfolio++ functions. We recommend that you upgrade to Azure DevOps Server 2020, 2022, or Services.
- Roadmap work-item visibility is the same as Azure DevOps. Essentially, if you can see the work-items in your Projects, then you will be able to see them in your Roadmap.
- Queries that result in more than 10,000 work-items cannot be processed as this is an Azure DevOps Analytics API limit.
- In any build by view (Project, Team, or Query) more than 200 selected work-items will likely result in degraded response times. Performance is variable, and largely depends on the aggregate number of child work-items that need to be processed.
- Shared Queries cannot result in a query string that is greater than 50,000 characters, as this is an Azure DevOps Analytics API limitation.
- Build-by-Query can only process 'Shared Queries' that return a 'flat list'.
New Feature requests
We are actively iterating on this project, and we greatly appreciate the feedback we have received from this community. We continue to release new features, and your feedback helps us prioritize our work. Please help us by submitting bug and feature requests. We have received some great suggestions for improvements from this community, many of which are reflected in the updates below. Please reach out to us at info@itrellis.com.
Release Notes
- Fixed issue with build by team drop down limiting how many teams are shown
- Fixed issue with iteration selection being reset on option change in backlog epic/feature timeline
- Fixed issue with malformed metrics query click in backlog epic/feature timeline
- Fixed issue with customers not able to see upgrade to pro modal
- 8491: Added option to pay for Portfolio++ Pro by adding it as an Azure subscription
- 7265: Added ability to expand and collapse Project, Team, or Query cards in the timeline view
- UI Usability Enhancements
- Bug Fixes
- 8382: Resolve issue affecting Portfolio++ users on Azure DevOps Server utilizing XML process templates. Projects upgraded from older versions of TFS were experiencing difficulties with loading project data.
- Bug Fixes
- 7963: Improve Roadmap query performance
- Bug Fixes
- 7340: Performance tuning
- Bug Fixes
- 7109: Resolve issue where XML process templates would sometimes not load
- 7817: Resolve issue with Build By Query where users could get an error warning about missing permissions
- 7428: Added tray to Milestones
- 7266: Kanban V2
- 7004: Options Menu UI Refactor, new options
- 7695: Save view prompt
- 7339: Customer Requests
- 7110: Performance Improvements
- Bug Fixes
- 5516: Added ability to build Roadmaps by Shared Query
- Bug Fixes
- 5568: Added new feature to Kanban View so that selected work items of any type are shown together on the board
- Bug Fixes
- 6952: Resolve an issue with completed Story Points / Effort summation
- 6925: Resolve an issue with save view where first time save can fail.
- 6355: Performance Tuning, Refactoring, and Caching
- 6729: Expanded support for XML process template configurations
- Dark Mode usability enhancements
- Bug Fixes
- 6376: As a user, I want to be able to view my timelines in 'Years' in addition to Quarters, Months, Weeks, and Days.
- 6006: Enable Azure DevOps Server users, who are disconnected from the internet, with the ability to purchase Portfolio++ Pro subscriptions.
- Bug Fixes
- 6283: Update Kanban Snapshot filename
- 6250: Fix issue with generating snapshot in Portfolio Status
- 6286: Resolve issue with custom sorting in Build By Teams
- 6323: Resolve issue with Cross-Project queries for Portfolio Kanban
- 6253: Hide Milestones outside of date range when date filters are set
- 6332: Enable cross-project query option in legacy Epic/Feature Timeline
- 6285: Resolve issue with duplicate work items in 2019 Server
- 6287: Fixed custom sort order for Projects/Teams in Settings Panel
- 6036: Enable legacy Roadmap Epic/Feature Timeline view
- 6153: Resolve a date filtering issue in Portfolio Status view with Manual mode
- 6127: Resolve an issue with Requirement level work items without linked children work items in Portfolio Status view
- 6155: Add support for browser navigation buttons within the extension
- 6193: Add scroll bar to Kanban Options menu for long lists of States
- 6196: Resolve issue with Snapshot producing 0 byte files
- 6216: Resolve permissions issues with Azure DevOps Analytics access
- Bug Fix - Fix bug to allow users to sign up for trial subscriptions at the organization level
- 4509: Settings panel updates
- Allow Portfolio++ Pro Users to select any work item type from any backlog level when building roadmaps.
- Allow Portfolio++ Pro Users to build roadmaps by Team
- Make adding items to roadmaps more intuitive
- 5494: Roadmap UI Updates
- Add ability to expand Roadmap cards to view children
- Remove Roadmap Epic/Feature timeline view
- Add ability to view Roadmaps in Weeks view
- 3369: Portfolio++ Administration
- Add ability for Project Collection Administrators to delete any roadmap
- 5564: Subscription Modal UI Updates
- Add ability to purchase annual Individual subscriptions
- Add ability to purchase annual Organization subscriptions
- 5513: Resolve issue with Portfolio Kanban not calculating completed status correctly for Scrum process type
- 5425: Resolve issue with VisualStudio.com users who cannot access Azure Devops Analytics service
- 5424: Bug Fix - Requirements level tags not showing on Kanban Board
- 5143: As a Portfolio++ Pro User I want to see my Portfolio in a Kanban Board
- 5310: Show XML Process Template Warning
- 5054: As a Portfolio++ Pro™ User I want to be able to include cross project work-items in my metrics
- 4691: As a Portfolio++ Pro™ User I want to be able to click on the card metrics to see all the associated work-items
- 5106: As a user I want to be able to click on the Project card title to navigate to the project backlog
- 5102: As a user I want the Backlog Epic/Feature Timeline to load quicker
- Bug Fixes
- 4924: As an Azure DevOps Server user, I want the ability to purchase a Portfolio++ Pro™ subscription.
- 4463: As a user, I want to manage my Portfolio++ Pro™ subscription and transactions through the customer self-service management portal.
- 4558: As a Portfolio++ Pro™ User, I want my custom Epic Sort Order to remain when I add or remove Epic from my Roadmap selection.
- 4526: As a user, I want to receive a warning message if the Analytics feature is not enabled or if I do not have permission to access Analytics views.
- Added Portfolio++ Pro™ features:
- Custom Project/Epic Sort Order
- Dependency Management
- Milestone Management
- Fixed issue when printing Roadmap that was showing left-hand column cards titles as blank or awkwardly truncated.
- 3638: As a user, I want to be able to switch from showing progress on Roadmap and Feature Timelines bars from counts, to percent complete
- Refactoring: Fix miscellaneous UI bugs
- 3153: As a user, I want to be able to see my 'Tags' on my Roadmap and Timeline cards (progress bars)
- 3158: As a developer, I need to refactor our timeline views to show the tags on the Roadmap and Timeline cards
- 3370: As a user I want to be able to share my Roadmap with others, and 'Lock' it to limit the ability to edit the Roadmap
- 3408: As a user I want a filter bar menu to save filter selections + view preferences as "saved views"
- Refactoring: Fix issue for Azure Devops Server installations where the port number is not being included in the dynamically generated analytics queries
- Fixed an issue where searching for Epics in the Roadmap Settings panel was causing duplicate Epics to be displayed in the list
- 3274: As a user I would like to see Portfolio++™ in the Hub Groups in the side navigation so I do not have to open my Boards Hub to view Portfolio++™
- 3139 - As a user I want to be able to add custom Epic types to my Roadmap
- 3144 - As a user I want to be able to view custom Epics and Feature types in my Roadmaps
- 3505: Show Features in Generated View Mode if they are in an Iteration Path. No longer required to have subordinate work-items in Iteration Paths to be visible
- Refactoring: View Framework and Query Parsing / Performance improvements for large Projects
- Fixed an issue where Epics are not filtering by Project under Project Settings
- Improved error handling for work-items where Title is empty in Project Settings
- 2370: As a user I want to be able to print roadmaps, epic status, feature timelines from Portfolio++™
- 2797: As a user I want to filter what is shown in my timeline by setting a date range
- 3094: As a user I want Portfolio++™ to add support for virtual directory
- 3045: As a user, I want to be able to view the Epic/Feature timeline as a tab in the Team's backlogs view
- 3023: As a user I want to be able to use Portfolio++™ with the Scrum Process Template
- 3015: As a user, I want Portfolio++™ to add support for Azure Devops Server 2019
- 3028: As a user, I want Portfolio++™ to add browser support for Edge 44 and later releases
- 2731: As a user, I want the Roadmap Directory to use familiar Azure Devops Projects page layout and behavior
- 2738: As a user, I want to mark Roadmaps I created as private so only I can see them
- 2671: As a user, I want to understand the EULA and Privacy Statement for Portfolio++™
- 2662: As a user, I want to use standard forward and backward browser navigation in the extension
- 2765: As a user, I don’t want to see cards behind the headers when scrolling vertically
- 2806: As a user, I want Roadmap views and Epic Status to load faster
- 2811: As a user, on the Epic Status tab, I do not want to see a green check indicator on “empty Epics”
- 2806: As a user I want the Timeline and Epic Status views to load faster
- 2811: As a user I don't want to see a green check next to the Epic if there are no child work-items defined
- 2765: As a user I don't want to see the cards in the Timelines behind the headers when scrolling vertically
- 2895: As a user, I want to see the User Story Modal utilize the maximum width of the screen.
- 2662: As a user I want to be able to use standard browser navigation in the extension
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