Build Visual Studio .NET 2003A build task to build Visual Studio .NET 2003 applications (.NET 1.1). Even though this version of Visual Studio is no longer supported by Microsoft (and not even .NET 1.1), there are many enterprises that still have legacy applications that run in this platform. Probably are applications so stable that don't worth the migration effort or, maybe, the migration schedule are so long that an immediate build automation for the 2003 version is necessary. The task builds Desktop Applications and also WebSites. The build process consists basically in call the Visual Studio 2003 application (DevEnv.exe) passing a solution file (*.sln) or a project file (*.*proj) with the option '/nologo'. To build websites though, as in Visual Studio 2003 web site projects has the dependency of a IIS website, the task does the following actions:
The task requires the 'VS71COMNTOOLS' capability from the agent. This capability is normally available when Visual Studio 2003 is installed on the agent machine. |