A series of tasks for interacting with Campaign Montitor.
You must have an account with Campaign Monitor.
You must obtain your ClientId and your API Key from Campaign Monitor for use within the tasks.
Create Campaign
This task creates a campaign from an existing template.
Configuration Options
List Id: This is the unique id of the subscriber list you with to send the campaign to.
Template Id: This is the unique id of the custom template you wish to use. Note: You cannot use a built in template. The campaign monitor api does not allow this. The only way I know to get your template id is to hit the api and query for it.
From Email Address
Reply To Email Address
Campaign Name: The name of the campaign you wish to send. This must be unique.
MultipleLines: JSON representation for floating multipleline tags. Example: [{"Content": "<p>This is a test email.</p> <p>This should be on another line.</p>"}]
MultipleLines Source: Choose whether your multiplelines template is read from a file on disk or inline.
From Name
Send Preview: Whether you wish to send a preview email
Preview Recipient: Who receives the preview email.
Output Variable
Output Variable: Contains the created campaign id.