GraphiteCharts is a set of animated interactive chart controls for Silverlight. With a focus on clean minimalistic presentation and great performance. Version 1.0 supports Silverlight on the desktop, web and out of browser applications.
Version 1.0 broadly includes support for the following:
New charts added:
Column 2D chart
Bar 2D chart
Pie 2D chart
Doughnut 2D chart
Line 2D chart
Area 2D chart
Scroll charts
Combination charts
Support for animated chart drawing.
Support for auto resizing charts and live updates with data binding.
Support for data point anchors, including animated anchors and different types.
Support for extremely flexible axes.
Support for customizable axis labels.
Support for customizable axes ticks.
Support for customizable chart grids, including animated chart grids.
Support for customizable data points.
Support for customizable data series.
Support for programmer help with a debugging console.
Support for customizable labels.
Support for customizable legends, with 3 possible orientations.
Support for customizable plot labels.
Support for customizable and custom tool tips, including nested charts.