VSTS GitHub WidgetThis project has been built to add some GitHub badge integration into VSTS using the dashboards SDK. Support: http://r3f.co/1JvuDHL Issues: http://r3f.co/1JvvA2E The widgets SDK is still in preview so there is a chance of weird things happening but it would be great if you could please log any issues on GitHub so that we can take a look =). Feel free to help make this widget integrate more deeply with GitHub by contributing on the GitHub project. UsageOn your dashboard click the add widget button This will popup the widgets catalog and you will notice the GitHub widget in the list of widgets in the catalog, click on it and then click Add. Your new widget will appear on your dashboard blank Click on the Configure icon and the settings will fly out from the right. Enter a name for the widget as well as the username and repo that you want to get information for Now click Save and your widget configuration will be applied to your widget and it will show you the counts for Stars, Watches and Forks on your dashboard. When you are finished editing your dashboard the tick icon to complete editing your dashboard Now every time you land on your dashboard you will automatically gain insights into your GitHub projects. Enjoy |