Generic Logic, Inc.
GLG Toolkit for Embedded Devices: Free Community Edition
Support for ARM6, ARM7 and ARM8 AArch64 boards and devices, including BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Cross-Platform deployment
Graphics Builder - a vector graphics editor to create HMI displays, define dynamic behavior and attach data sources for animation.
Cross-platform C/C++ libraries for both desktop systems and embedded ARM devices
Optional JavaScript / React / Angular / Next.js Library for Web and Mobile deployment in a Web browser
Optional C#, .NET and Java libraries
Dials, Meters, Gauges and Real-Time Chart components
GIS Map Server component
Features & Benefits
The GLG Toolkit is an extremely flexible and robust graphical framework for building elaborate visual simulations and dynamic graphical screens that display real-time data.
The Embedded Edition of the Toolkit provides support for ARM processors and embedded boards. Both ARM6, ARM7 and ARM8 AArch64 architectures are supported, including the Beagle Bone, Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson Nano boards. The Embedded Edition supports all features of the Toolkit, making it easy to develop an application that can be run on both the desktop and embedded devices.
The Community Edition of the Toolkit includes a graphical HMI editor, a large number of pre-built components, and a C/C++ library for deploying the visualization screens in an embedded application. The GIS component is also provided.
Using the Toolkit's cross-platform Generic API, an application can be developed on a desktop system, and then compiled for the embedded platform with no changes to the source code.
A JavaScript / React / Angular / Next.js Library is provided for Web and Mobile deployment in a Web browser.
The Toolkit's open and flexible framework makes it easy to embed dynamic visualization screens into existing applications without a need to rewrite the existing code.
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