The expanzPlatform is a complete application development platform that comprises tools to rapidly design, develop and run enterprise .NET applications that run on-premise or in the cloud, supporting a wide range of client platforms to deliver users a quality UX from any device in any location. Expanz improves enterprise application development the way the production line improved manufacturing. Rather than each developer having to write the common repeatable functions and "plumbing" every time, they assemble the core application from pre-fabricated components, allowing them to concentrate fully on customization. All business logic is retained on the server, enabling designers to focus on user experience using their preferred tools in any XML aware client technology The expanzPLATFORM comes with the following productivity tools out of the box: expanzSERVER - Robust, Security, Scalability
expanzCOMPONENTS - normalised, ease of management
expanzSTUDIO - efficiency, speed, accuracy
expanzThinRIA - flexibility, ubiquity, familiarity
You can learn more about each of these tools and how they assist in developing better applications faster under their individual pages found under the Productsmenu. Or you can see for yourself by simply downloading our free expanzEXPRESS developer version of the expanzPLATFORM.