The Service Fabric Updater can update key parts of the Application and Service Manifest files at build or release time.
Currently this task supports updating the following items:
Application Version
There are two options for the version, full version replace or add a trailing revision to the current version.
Application Name
A tenant is a short code that can be used to define ownership of an application eg. 'Freight.Api.ServiceFabric-XXX' where XXX is the tenant.
An environment is another short code that can be selected from a drop down list to define the purpose of the application eg. 'Freight.Api.ServiceFabric-CI' where CI is the environment.
Service Version
There are two options for the version, full version replace or add a trailing revision to the current version.
Port Number
The port the application should be accessed through.
Quick steps to get started
Ensure it is a Service Fabric project that is being built/released.
Add the 'Service Fabric Updater' custom task to the build or release definition.
Enter the required information.
Save the definition.
Queue a new build or create a new release.
Known issue(s)
Learn More
The source to this extension is available. Feel free to take, fork, and extend.
Minimum supported environments
Visual Studio Team Services
We thank the following contributor(s) for this extension: