It is a DesignToProduction open source project, programmed initially for internal use.
Super powerful IntelliSense in realtime. Much faster and responsive than the
VS Code Demo
This is the client side of RhinoPython editor. To bridge it to Rhino you need a server to listen to Visual Studio, which is another plugin called CodeListener.
Make sure you have IronPyton 2.7.5 installed (.msi file). Note: The latest version 2.7.9 is buggy, tested by author.
Make sure you have Visual Studio 2015 installed. Note: VS2017, VS2019 are not tested yet.
Make sure you have CodeListener plugin for Rhino in CodeListener latest release installed. Note: You have to download the CodeListener.rhi file for the first time installation.
OBSOLETE (No need to prepare this from Version 0.0.3)
Copy desired .dll libraries under C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\DLLs folder. e.g. Copy RhinoCommon.dll from C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\System\ and System.Drawings.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\XXX
Copy all files from C:\Users\jch\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Plug-ins\IronPython (814d908a-e25c-493d-97e9-ee3861957f49)\settings\lib into C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\Lib\ folder. Note: the site-packages folder seems can't invoke intellisense, tested only by author.
Start Visual Studio, click Tools -> Python Tools -> Python Environments, from the Python Environments window on the right side, select IronPython 2.7, switch from Overview to IntelliSense, click Refresh DB
OBSOLETE (<Version 0.0.3)
Start Rhino, type command CodeListener
Start Visual Studio, create a new IronPython Application project.
Right click on Search Paths In Solution Explorer and add folder to the path if you want to add extra library.
When finished coding, click RhinoPython -> SendCode/SendCodeWithoutReset or Shift + F2 to run code in Rhino.
Start Visual Studio, create a new RhinoPythonApplication project under Python.
Click RhinoPython -> ImportManager, here you can set python lib path, and check referenced DLL. (see help on that window)
Remember to Reload Project from ImportManager after first init of project or changed module search paths.
When finished coding, click RhinoPython -> SendCode/SendCodeWithoutReset or Shift + F2 to run code in Rhino.
Known Issues
The debugger has not implemented yet.
It only supports one Rhino instance at a time. If you want to switch Rhino instance, either close the former Rhino instance or command StopCodeListener on the former one.