Quickly and easily compare all files in Git (a commit or Staged/Unstaged files) or TFS (a changeset, shelveset, or files with pending changes) to see what has changed. Instead of clicking on each file individually and choosing to compare it with a different version, just click one button to compare all of the files. You may edit the extension's settings from the Tools -> Options... -> Diff All Files settings page. Visit the Diff All Files project homepage for more information or to make a feature request or bug report. This extension is also available for Visual Studio 2022, 2017, 2015, 2013, and 2012. Features
Git SupportPlease go up-vote this feature request to have Microsoft add Git extensibility points to new versions of Visual Studio to allow this extension to work with Git again. ScreenshotsBefore comparing files: While comparing files: Settings screen: Change Logv1.0.6 - November 14, 2021Fixes:
v1.0.5 - May 23, 2020Fixes:
v1.0.4 - May 26, 2019Fixes:
v1.0.3 - May 24, 2019Fixes:
v1.0.2 - April 12, 2019Fixes:
v1.0.1 - April 7, 2019Fixes:
v1.0.0 - April 7, 2019Initial release of VS 2019 version of extension. |