Web API template with JWT token auth, DB connection, Health checks and HTTP client proxy examples.
Projects template description
- WebService.API project - web api with system configurations (auth, logging, api docs)
- WebService.Configuration project - configuration for logic services and repositories
- WebService.BLL project - logic services
- WebService.DAL.MySql project - repositories
- WebService.BLL.Tests project - unit test for BLL logic
- WebService.DbUp.MySql project - MySql database migrations
- .NET Core 2.2
- Serilog for logging and exception handling
- AutoMapper for models mappings
- API versioning
- Swagger for API documentation
- Micro-ORM Dapper with MySql repository
- DbUp for database migrations
- .Net Core health checks
- .NET Core builtin HttpClientFactory with Polly (https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ as fake mock api)
- XUnit with Moq and AutoFixture for unit test
GitHub repository
Newer .NET Core 3.x template
To use newer .Net Core 3.x go to template link