#Activity Feed With the activity feed you can see whats happening in your team project within a glance. You can use it on your dashboard by putting a widget on it, or simply open the hub. The Activity Feed gives a summary of all recent changes of workitems, commits, pullrequests and builds. It tells who changed a task, who logged a bug and who maked committed code. The widget makes sure you are quickly up to date of the status in te project without looking in the repository history, searching for changed work items and new builds. For stakeholders its a great way to stay up to date about the project. #Widget Simply add the widget to a dashboard and it will work out of the box. The widget can be used in different sizes this way it supports big teams with many updates or use it in a smaller version when the project is not very active. For small projects the widget will be oke without configuration. For larger projects we added a bunch of settings to show only the revelant changes to you:
#Hub The extension comes with a hub. The hub gives a bigger overview of the activity in your project. The hub has the same filter options that the widget has and will be persisted per user. The hub will keep loading new data when you scrolling more downwards to show more history of the project. #Release notes 14 February 2018:
1 November 2017:
8 August 2017:
5 August 2017:
30 Juli 2017:
29 Juli 2017:
Having idea's or seeing bugs? let me know! dave@familie-smits.com |