This extension contains a variety of pipeline tasks that help you extract data from Azure Repos (or other source control services) during a pipeline execution.
Tasks currently available
Pull Git Repo
pulls any git repo during build into a folder or into the working directory
Commit to Git
pushes a sub folder or everything in the working directory into a specified git repo
Export Release Definitions
exports all (or a subset of all) release definitions from a specified Azure DevOps organisation
definitions can be downloaded into a sub folder or the current working directory
All tasks are pipeline tasks
All tasks work on Windows-based agents only
Use cases
Use the git pull task to get everything in a Git repo, then use Git push to create a copy of this repo in a different location.
Download one or more release definitons whenever a pipeline is executed
These can then be pushed to a differen Azure DevOps org or an Azure DevOps server deployment
Available on GitHub
Parameters and Settings
Pull Git Repo
Source Repo URI
if required
if required (also supports PAT)
Source Branch
Drop dir
Commit to Git
Destination Repo URI
if required
if required (also supports PAT)
Destination Branch
Git user name and e-mail
Commit Message
Target path
Export Release Definitions
API endpoint URI
if targeting TFS 2015
Password or PAT
if targeting TFS 2017 or newer and/or Azure DevOps
simple "Contains" filter to narrow the amount of definitions downloaded