Fortify On Demand Vulnerbility ReportingThis is an Azure DevOps task that gets the lastest count of the vulnerbilities in your Fortify On Demand release to then vallidate it is below the configured level. You can configure each level of Critical, High, Medium and Low to make sure it aligns to your limits in the DevOps pipeline. This can prevent new unsecure code ever making it further into the Software Delivery Life Cycle. UsageThe task uses the Fortify On Demand API and perticularly the 'Vulnerbilities' API. You can put this task either in your Build Definition or Release Piepline, to prevent code with vulnerbilites above your configured amount further. Please configure the task variables as below: Fortify Details Release ID = The Release ID of the scans to validate against. Vulnerbilities Limites Max Critical Issues = Maximum Critical Issues API Details
API Key = Fortify API Key Reporting
Alert Level = 'error' to escape on breach or 'warning' to only alert on breach Further Information
SupportAll bugs found, please raise a bug on the Git Hub Issues. LegalThis is not an offical task by Fortify or sponsored by Fortify. The extension is produced independently of Fortify. |