The UCanCode E-XD++ Component Enterprise Edition product family enables you to develop Gis / Map based visualization applications quickly and efficiently. Map Displays with Custom Objects for .net and C++ Developers E-XD++ provides a complete mapping drawing, display, printing, software development kit (SDK) for creating any .net or C++ displays applications quickly and easily. The E-XD++ Library is a set of C++ classes designed with the purpose of simplifying the development process of MAP or GIS applications for programmers. It supports a wide range of basic map drawing and display features, including manipulating, displaying, adding customize spatial data. E-XD++ greatly simplifies MAP / GIS software development. With outstanding panning and zooming speeds. Developers can easily customize every aspect of the map display, from user interactions to the graphics that appear on top of the map. Download Prebuild Map Sample 1 E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite is a 100% C++ based diagram Component, it's Gis / Map Diagram Solution contains most basic features of building a high-quality map / gis visual Application. With E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite, it has almost all the features of Microsoft' Visio on Diagram Drawing, Layout, Printing Part: