#Azure Pipelines Deployment Groups Tasks
A set of tasks to interact with Deployment Groups in Azure Pipelines.
Add Machines
A task to add one or more machines to a Deployment Group. It accepts the following the parameters:
- Deployment Group Name: Name of the deployment group to add machines to. This should already exist.
- Access Token: A token with Deployment Group Read/Manage permissions that is used to add each machine to the deployment group.
- Project: The project which contains the deployment group. Defaults to the project containing the build or release.
- Machines: List of machines to add to the chosen deployment group. Should be a comma separate list of names, FQDNs or IP addresses.
- Admin Login: Username of a local admin on the target machines.
- Password: Password of the local admin account.
- Protocol: Protocol to use for connecting with the machines. Defaults to HTTP.
- Test Certificate: Indicates whether the certificate on the HTTPS endpoint is a test certificate, such as self signed.
- Run As Username: Specify a user to run the deployment agent as on the remote machine, if required
- Run As Password: Specify password for the user account running the agent.
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