Html Reports (
An Azure DevOps extension that provides a task for publishing HTML formatted reports onto build and release pages.
Using the extension
In order to see a report tab you must use the Publish HTML Report task. This is a supporting task which adds HTML output from the build pipeline(s) for viewing.
The task takes one mandatory parameter reportDir which should reference the HTML filename or directory to be published. The optional tabName parameter may also be supplied to configure the name of the tab displayed under Reports in the Azure DevOps UI.
Report tab names will use the filename rather than the tabName when a directory path has been provided for the reportDir parameter. This is the default behaviour and must be overridden by setting useFilenameTabs parameter is set to false.
Added support for setting tab names automatically based on filename when scanning directories for reports as per this feature request
Removed the stage attempt badge for initial job runs
Addresses this issue which was carried over from the original source project. The reportDir property now supports both directory and file paths; if a directory is specified, all *.html and *.htm files in that directory will be displayed. An example is shown below:
This version patches the AwardedSolutions release and is now maintained for future support purposes. The BlakYaks release supports Node 16 and Node 20 runners, removing the deprecation notice displayed during pipeline runs.
Task names and inputs were maintained to simplify update from previous releases.