This extension checks the value of your variables and either warns or throws an error if they are invalid. By default, "invalid" means that they have not been fully-resolved. This may happen if you reference a variable which does not exist such as Variable1: $(Variable2) where Variable2 does not exist. You can filter by name if you're only interested in specific variables. Additionally, you can supply a regular expression if you would like to invalidate variables based upon a different value.
Add task
You will find the new Tasks available under the Build or Deploy tab, or search for "variables validate":
Once you have added the task, you either accept the default options, or provide your own values for variable name and variable value in the form of regular expressions:
varNameRegex - Provide a regular expression by which to filter the variables to check. Default is .* (all variables).
varValueRegex - Provide your own regular expression to define an invalid variable value. Default is \$\(.*?\), which matches variables whose values contain $(anyvalue)
warnOrError: - either warn or error. Controls whether the task throws a warning or an error if any matching variables are found. Default value is error.