AugurkInstall this extension in order to integrate Augurk into your build pipeline. The extension currently provides 3 build tasks that can be used together in order to get the most out of your living documentation. To get started, use the following steps. 1. Install AugurkBefore you can integrate with Augurk you obviously have to install Augurk somewhere. Download the latest release of Augurk from our GitHub page and install the WebDeploy package on a server that can be accessed by your build agents. If you're using Visual Studio Team Services hosted build agents this means that your Augurk installation must be accessible on the public internet. A note about security: Out of the box Augurk does not have an authentication mechanism. This is by design since Augurk should be easily accessible by users. However, you might want to secure Augurk's API so that new features can only be uploaded by specific users (for example your build server), especially if you're deploying Augurk in the cloud. For example, we can add the following to the Web.config file for Augurk to allow only certain users or groups to access it:
Obviously you'll also need to enable some kind of authentication mechanism inside IIS, such as Windows Authentication, for this to work. 2. Add Augurk.CommandLine to your projectThe actual publishing of feature files to Augurk is done through the Augurk.CommandLine tool. During the build this tool must be present in order to use the build task. The easiest way to accomplish this is to install the Augurk.CommandLine NuGet package into your project and ensure that NuGet packages are restored during the build. The build task will automatically pick this up. Alternatively you can install the tool somewhere on your build agent and point the build task there through advanced configuration. 3. Add the Publish build task to your build definitionEdit an existing build definition or create a new one and add the Publish features to Augurk task to it. It can be found under the Utility group: 4. Configure an Augurk connectionAfter adding the task to the build definition you should configure a connection to Augurk. This can be done by using the + button next to the Augurk Instance option in the build definition editor. This will open up a dialog where you can enter the URL on which your Augurk instance is available and any credentials you need to supply in order to access Augurk. If you want to use Integrated Security you choose No Authentication here and check the box for Integrated Security when you configure the build task. Once the connection has been established make sure it is selected as the Augurk instance to which features will be published. 5. Setup publishingFinally, you'll need to configure a couple of parameters that are necessary for successfully publishing features.
Advanced settingsTo further customize how feature files are published to Augurk you can use the following advanced settings:
6. Add dependency analysisAugurk also has the ability to visualize dependencies between the individual feature files automatically based on static code analysis. In order to use this, two additional tasks can be added to the build pipeline. The first of these is the Augurk CSharpAnalyzer Installer task. This task downloads a specific version of the CSharpAnalyzer onto the build agent and makes it available to the build to use:
If you prefer to not have the build install a version of the analyzer onto your build agent, you can also manage the installation yourself. To do so, install the Analyzer on the build agent, make sure that it is available on the path and add the augurk-csharpanalyzer capability to your build agent. After that, you can use the Augurk CSharpAnalyzer task to perform the actual analysis and upload the results to Augurk. To do so, add the task to your build definition and configure the following settings: