This is a set of build and deployment tasks to support SQL Server.
- This extension supports on premises SQL servers only. It will not work for Azure or Visual Studio Team Services
- Major update. This version no longer uses the Powershell commandlet Involk-Sqlcmd as there were bugs regarding error handling.
- Also Informational messages from TSQL commands such as PRINT will be displayed.
SqlBackup - This task will perform a backup of your database to a file.
RunStoredProcedure - This task will run a Stored Procedure against your database.
RunSqlScripts - This task will run all of the SQL scripts in the specifed folder against your database.
RunSqlCommand - This task will run an adhoc query aganst your database.
RunSingleSqlScript - This task will run a specified SQL script against your database.
RunDACPAC - This task will deploy a specified DACPAC package file against your database.
In order to run this extension, SQL Managed Objects must be installed on the server running
the build agent.
SQL Toolkit
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