NServiceBus Templates includes project and item templates for those building solutions upon NServiceBus.
Project Templates
Client Endpoint - defines a project that performs as a client
Server Endpoint - defines a project that performs as a server
Publisher Endpoint - defines a project that performs as a publisher
Item Templates
Message Handler - default implementation of the IHandleMessages<T> interface
EndpointConfig - default implementation of developer endpoint configuration
Project templates include a custom wizard that will prompt for a directory. This directory should be the path to your NServiceBus assemblies and the generic host. Select the directory and hit "Finish" to complete the project.
Change Log
1.0 - Initial revision
Ability to enter a relative path
Remembers the last path you entered
Edit project files to set the Debug options to run the NServiceBus.Host.exe
1.2 - some project files did not have the hint path being swapped correctly, this is now fixed