Download files from remote SSH connection via SFTP client to pipeline agent.
Source files: remote source path.
Can be minimatch file pattern. More Information
Example: **
Destination path: agent local target path. May be source, artifact or any other local path.
Example: $(Build.SourcesDirectory) (default working directory), $(Build.StagingDirectory)
SSH Connection - Connection Type:
SSH Connection: Select pipeline service connection of type ssh.
SSH Hostname: Host name or IP address of the remote machine with optional port.
Example: or hostname:22
Username: Username / login.
Password / Key passphrase: Provide the password or the passphrase for the private key if using a key-pair. Use secret variable.
Example: $(sshPassword)
Secure File Path: Filename of secure file. Use Download Secure File task and set output variable name (Reference name under Output Variables).
Example: $(SecureKey.secureFilePath)
Clean target folder: Delete all existing files and sub-folders in the target folder before copying.