Resharper Code Quality Analysis TaskBased on the free-to-use Resharper Command-Line Tools (CLT), this build task will automatically run over a thousand code quality checks for various languages including C# and Typescript. Add this task to your continuous build to fail the build whenever code quality standards are violated. Quick Setup
Task Versions
Yaml Pipeline Sample
Note! For the Yaml pipeline to work as above with .Net Core 3.0 preview it will only work if there is a global.json file in the same directory as the solution. Add a file like this to locate the Sdk correctly:
Classic Pipeline Sample Build Result UsageThe CLT will use the default code quality inspections to generate a report with no Resharper or Visual Studio license necessary. Rule Configuration To customize the rules, it is possible to manage the team-shared options in the Inspection Severity section from the Resharper toolbar within Visual Studio. Commit the changed sln.DotSettings file and the next build will use the updated rules.
Download sample sln.DotSettings file
ConfigurationThe build task will download the latest Resharper CLT from NuGet and use it for code quality inspection automatically. Alternatively, download the CLT and copy it to the appropriate path in the repository or build controller. This increases the speed of the code inspection task and ensures the same version is used each time.
Hosted Build ControllerCopy the folder into your repository and check the downloaded files in. The default path will be Lib\Resharper and is configurable in the build task. Custom Build ControllerEither check the files in as above or copy them to the build controller. The path can then be configured to an absolute path, for example C:\Tools\Resharper. LegalThis extension is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Resharper is a registered trademark of JetBrains and the extension is produced independently of JetBrains. Support questions should be posted in the above Q&A section. |