Overview Comments hightlighter for VisualStudio 2015. Begin your code lines with comment ('//') and add spec symbol to hightlight it. For example, start line with: C# Изменение сценария|Remove csharp// normal text//! alert text //!+ big alert //!++ big big alert //+ bold text //++ big bold text //x deleted line //? question //?+ bold question//?++ big bold question//- small text // normal text //! alert text //!+ big alert //!++ big big alert //+ bold text //++ big bold text //x deleted line //? question //?+ bold question //?++ big bold question //- small text this lines will be hightlited, like this:
Configurations Tools - Options -> Environment - Font and Colors -> Display items: and select prefer item, like '//x' or '//+' and so on, to change style for it.
VS Versions To update this extension for up version VS, edit .vsix file, file 'extension.vsixmanifest' - add lines like this: XML Изменение сценария|Remove xml<VisualStudio Version="15.0"> <Edition>Pro</Edition></VisualStudio> <VisualStudio Version="15.0"> <Edition>Pro</Edition> </VisualStudio> |