Introduction. Build & Release tasks to manipulate variables. This extensions is comprised of eight tasks
ConfigurationAfter you install the extension in your account (see Get extensions for Visual Studio Team Services to learn how to install extensions) you are ready to use the task on your build or release defintions on the account(s) you have installed the extension into. It may take a while until the tasks are available to be used. TasksWhen you add a new step to your build or release template, you can chose the task from the Utility category, each task has a different set of purposes and parameters. Set VariableThis task allows to set/change the value of a variable, it has three parameters (transformations may have additional parameters:
sub set transformationThe sub set transformation allows you to get a part of a string. It has two extra parameters:
regular expression match transformationAllows you to get a part of of the string using a regular expression. It has four extra parameters:
The task with the following parameters will set the value 1 into the myVar variable regular expression replace transformationThe regular expression replace transformation is much more powerful than the replace transformation, allows you to better control how the replacement is made. It has the following extra parameters:
The task with the following parameters will set the value 3 matches three two one Entire Match = one two three 3 strings into the myVarReplacedValue variable Set Variables with CredentialThis task sets the username/password stored on a generic connection. This task can be used to centrally store a username/password and pass them to tasks that require a username/password without having to have the credentials replicated all over build/release definitions, with this task you can have single copy which can be centrally managed and change it centrally. This task has three parameters:
In your can register service endpoints to store your reusable username/password to use in other tasks. You need to create a Credential endpoint to store the user name and password. The credental endpoint has the following parameters
Note You need to be member of "Endpoint Creators" group to create service endpoints. Sets variable with value from JSONExtracts a value from JSON (either a file or a variable) using a JSON path expression and sets the value to a variable. If the result is a primitive type (boolean, number,string) that value will be set. If it's an array all values will be set (comma separated), all other types will be set as a JSON string. The task has the following parameters
Sets variable with value from XMLExtracts a value from XML (either a file or a variable) using a XPath expression and sets the value to a variable. Only node text or attributes are supported. The task has the following parameters
Update Build NumberSets the build number with the passed value. Allows to you set the build number with a different number than the one it was initially assigned on queue. Useful when you want to set the build number using a number with values which build number formatting settings don't support out of the box. The task has a single parameter
Update Release NameSets the release name with the passed value. Allows to you set the releaze name with a different name than the one it was initially assigned on queue. The task has a single parameter
Increment VersionIncrements a build version in the semver format. Allows you to increment by one number the following version components; major, minor or patch. It can also clear the release or the build. The task has the following parameters
Add Tag(s)Adds one or more tags to a b uild The task has a parameter
TelemetryThe tasks send anonymous telemetry so we can get a hold of task usage and errors. No user data or task parameters are ever collected under any circunstances. Only data that allows anonymous usage collection. The data is deleted after 7 days. SupportIf you find an issue, need help or have improvement suggestions you can do so by emailing []( Tasks Pack) with "Variable Tasks Pack" as a subject. New versionsFollow the Yod Labs Extensions twitter account to see release announcements. |