Add Class From Clipboard
Lets developers quickly paste a new C# class (interface or enum) file from the clipboard.

- In the Solution Explorer context menu under "Add."

Automatic Class Naming:
- Extracts the class name from the clipboard content to name the new file appropriately.
Keyboard Shortcut:
- Quickly invoke the command with
Ctrl + E, Ctrl + V .
How to Use
- Copy valid C# code containing a class declaration to your clipboard.
- In Visual Studio:
- Right-click a folder in Solution Explorer, navigate to Add, and select "Add Class From Clipboard."
- Or, open the Project menu and select "Add Class From Clipboard."
- The extension will:
- Parse the clipboard content.
- Extract the class name.
- Create a
.cs file named after the class in the selected folder.
- No file will be created if a valid class name cannot be extracted.
Contributions are welcome! To contribute:
- Clone the repository.
- Make changes or add new features.
- Submit a pull request for review.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For issues or feature requests, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
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