Further Details : PRODUCT PAGE Getting Started : QUICK START GUIDE Video : EMAILER DEMO
Note: Register on http://www.xpert360.com/products/lightning_office365.aspx for a FREE license and download link. Pre-requisites: An Office365 or Exchange Instance. Supported Exchange Versions (2010 SP2 to 2013) The software media is a signed and certified VSIX package and supports VS2010 and VS2012.
Create a LightSwitch project
Supports both Silverlight and HTML5 Client and standard LightSwitch deploy to IIS and Windows Azure. Trial Version : All functionality included with an additional 'Trial Version' appended to all emails subjects and body. See our website for details of Licensed Versions.
V1.0 Initial Release of Email functions V1.1 (Planned) Office365 Contacts Entity with Add, Update and Delete. (FREE UPGRADE)