Welcome to the ProtonNet template for Visual Studio 2022
This tool is designed to streamline and enhance the development process for projects within the ProtonNet Server ecosystem.
I. Installation
You can install the ProtonNet Template for Visual Studio in two ways:
1. Install via Marketplace Extensions
Open Extension/Manage Extensions.
In the Browse section, type ProtonNet, then hit Enter.
Press Install.
Note: You might need to restart Visual Studio to complete the installation process.
Run the downloaded .vsix file (e.g., protonnetvs-1.0.1.vsix) to install the extension.
II. How to Use
Open Visual Studio 2022 and create a new project.
Choose ProtonNet under Project Type, as shown below:
Select the project type you want to create. In this example, we'll use the project name SocketServerExample to create a SocketServer solution. You can name the project as you prefer and click Next. In this example, we'll use .NET 8.0 and ProtonNetVersion is 1.0.4.
After the project is created, right-click the SocketServerExample.Startup and choose Set as Startup Project.
Press F5 or run SocketServerExample.Startup to start debugging.
You should see a successful run, like this:
How to Create a RequestHandler
Navigate to the RequestHandlers folder in your project.
Add a new item and implement your logic in the Handle() method.
Now you're ready to process requests with your custom handler!
III. Release Notes
Version 1.0.2
ProtonNet Tool Support:
Create SocketServer projects within the ProtonNet Server ecosystem.
Create WebApiServer projects within the ProtonNet Server ecosystem.
File Generators:
Easily generate WebApiController files.
Generate EventHandler files to handle application events.
Generate RequestHandler files for managing and processing requests.
Generate WebApiHtml files to build web API interfaces.
IV. Support
For support or to share your feedback, feel free to join the discussion on ProtonNet Discussions or contact me at changx.develop@gmail.com.