Dynamics CRM SnippetsWhen creating a plugin, custom activity or a console app for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we always need to write some code what is common for all of us., i.e we need to create a class with some common code. Dynamics CRM snippets tool helps you to create a required code with no time. How to Use:First, install Dynamics CRM Snippets Visual Studio extension 😊 Create an empty project for a plugin, code activity or console app. Add a class in the project. Remove all the code from it. Only keep the required namespace. Then, in the namespace region, write The code will be generated for it. For example, the plugin code will be generated like this: The plugin class name will be autoselected. Just give the name of the class and press the “Enter” key. The name of the constructor will be also be replaced with the name of the class automatically. The same process will be applied for the console app class and custom workflow class. In addition, the code activity class will also contain input and output parameters. |