Add items to Windows Explorer Context Menu - Easily? Add any entries to shell context menu? Then you need component for custom item appending to Win Explorer shell context menu. Add items with icon and without, with custom caption, submenus and separators, add any program or add any command - all is possible. C#, VB, C++, .NET - all is supported.
Key features:
~ Add items to Windows Explorer context menu (Automatically)
(just several mouse clicks - and all your custom entries are appended to Explorer shell menu)
~ Add items to Windows Explorer context menu - Easily
(all is ready, just add 1 small .NET assembly to your C#, VB, C++ project)
~ Add items to Windows Explorer context menu - In one click
(easily add any items to shell context menu anywhere - in Visual Studio, VS, Delphi, etc.)
~ Add custom items to Windows Shell context menu - of ANY type
(add items with custom caption, icon, with separators, submenus - all is available)
~ Add custom items in Windows Shell context menu - on ANY computer
(add item to shell menu on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 and newer)
~ Add any command to Windows Explorer shell context menu
(any command will be executed, for any program for your custom right-click menu items)
~ Add any program to Windows Explorer shell context menu
(add custom items to context menu those will execute any program with any command line attributes)
~ Add custom item, custom entry, custom program or custom command to Windows Shell context menu
(add anything custom to context menu on any computer)
~ Add custom items to Windows Shell context menu - and even MUCH more
(add multi-level sub-menus, separators, entries with icons of any type, items those are shown only for custom items - files, folders, drives - all is possible)
So, how to add item, add entry, add program or add command to Windows Explorer Shell context menu?
More info and free Context Menu Component download at