The world's best mobile developers rely on HockeyApp to develop the world’s best apps. With the HockeyApp extension you can now integrate your existing agile and DevOps workflows with HockeyApp to easily manage distribution of your mobile apps, collect feedback from your users, and respond to crashes. HockeyApp allows you to get crash reports and feedback from apps at all stages of development and even after being released through the store. Take advantage of the Visual Studio Team Services cloud based build capabilities to build your Windows app, and upload that build to HockeyApp as part of your continuous integration flow. This allows you to distribute builds to your beta testers with each successful continuous integration build, and your beta testers will get automatic updates within the app. With HockeyApp and Visual Studio Team Services your beta testers will always have the latest app, and your developers will always have the latest feedback and crash reports. UsageThis extension installs the following components:
To deploy your app to HockeyApp you must create a service endpoint, and then use the build task to deploy the app. Create a HockeyApp service endpoint:
Deploy your app to HockeyApp