Bundles the following extensions for the Visual Studio 2010 JScript editor: Brace MatchingAdds support for automatically highlighting the matching opening or closing brace to the one currently at the cursor. Supports matching parenthesis: (), square brackets: [], and curly braces: {}. Braces in strings, comments and regular expression literals are ignored. Outlining / Cold-foldingAdds support for automatically creating outlining regions for JScript blocks. Blocks are detected via opening and closing curly braces. Braces in strings, comments and regular expression literals are ignored. Current Word HighlightingAdds support for highlighting all instances of the word currently at the cursor. IntelliSense Doc-Comments <para> SupportAdds support for the <para> element in JScript IntelliSense doc-comments to allow display of new lines in IntelliSense tooltips, e.g. function hello(name) { Updated vsdoc files for jQuery with <para> tags are included in the jQuery.vsdoc NuGet package. You can generate a vsdoc file for jQuery yourself using thejQuery vsdoc File Generator. Source CodeThe source code for these extensions is available on the ASP.NET CodePlex site in the folder: $/VisualStudioWebTooling/JScriptExtensions Change Log