VisualAPL is the .Net implementation of the APL programming language.
Language of choice for domain experts in basic and applied science, engineering, finance, actuarial science, etc.
Superior functional modeling of any problem or solution.
Fully interoperable with any other .Net language or tool.
Fully integrated with Visual Studio 2005/2008, including IntelliSense, exception handling, debugging, code analysis and editing and more...
Supports in-line use of C# code as well as APL code
Copy, paste and run from C# or APL code libraries.
Dynamically- or strongly-typed classes.
Interpreted- or compiled- mode programming
VisualAPL projects are deployed like any other Visual Studio project, including single-click install, .msi, web service, .Net assembly, etc.
Interactive scripting with superior performance.
Full interactive visualization of all data, including arrays.
Array-based operators and programmer-created methods, properties and events.
Implemented with the full range of scalar- and array-based APL operators
Perfomance equal to or better than any .Net language
Inherently OOP-based, Unicode-based
Fully documented.
Maintained by a professional team with significant experience and proven performance
VisualAPL projects are built as pure managed MSIL/CLR code, no Win32 interpreter involved or required.
Generates fully-optimized code for 32-bit, 64-bit, multi-core, multi-processor hardware.
Support for legacy APL implementations and migration.
Free Express Edition for product evaluation available.
Licensed editions available for desktop, professional and enterprise environments
Contact: for more information.