IntroductionPlease see below, work with new F# NuGet approaches (start from VS2017 v.15.8.2). [](WPF F# only Multi Project) [](Calculator F# only) _Access to ANY Data Base by System.Data.Common - F# (Fsharp) only. _ DescriptionWPF F# (F sharp only ) complex solution with MAIN project and USER library. All only F# + XAML (no partition class, No third party dll's). The example shows how to use User Control inside another User Control. How to build Window Application... How to Access to DataBase by System.Data.Common. _How to Events, member, WPF F# only, Data.Common, OleDb, ODBC... _ I built a snippet for prospective developers. In fact how to easily get a connection to a database using System.Data.Common . This approach allow you to have connection to Data Base using only one class in my example DataCommonFsharp.fs One application/edit – ALL DataBase. Run application … choose a provider (ComboBox includes all providers which installed on your PC). Select - "Visual F#" and choose a multi-project template (if you choose subfolder** [..] **it create just one project, see below). OR one project You may look these F# projects - |