.NET txtReader for Text Files is a set of classes, specifically designed to read text files and load the data into ADO.NET DataTable/DataSet from .NET applications . The latest version of the component is implemented as a .NET Managed Provider with read-only capabilities which allow it to treat each text file in a folder as a table with the data and read data from character-delimted or fixed columns text files without the need to use any additional providers. This also results in a familiar look-and-feel and allows for future extension of the component. .NET txtReader uses 100% .NET managed code and is designed to use minimal PC memory to achieve maximum performance. Key features: - 100% Managed .NET component - 32- and 64-bit platforms support - Provides functionality dynamically define column data types - Supports all character-delimited or fixed columns text file formats - Minimal memory usage - Read data without using Jet or any additional providers - Schema.ini file not required - Complete support with MSDN-style documentation