Source SummaryIntroductionAnalyzes the source code on solution, project, folder or file level (single / double click item) and displays the summary and issues. Summary contains line of code, number of interfaces, classes, methods, properties, fields with access modifier categorization in the selected artifact while issues can be seen in details on clicking the issues column header. once issue header clicked all the items will be displayed in list and can be navigated by clicking each item to see the particular issue. Open Source Summary ViewSource Summary ViewCalculating for either file, folder, project or full solutionJust select / click file, folder project or solution in the solution explorer Solution: Just click on solution for full solution analysisProject: Click on any project for single project analysisFolder: Click on any folder for analysis of all projects inside that solution folderFile: Click on any file for individual file analysisView IssuesClick inside issue column to load issues Navigate to issue detailsClick on any listed issue, will navigate to it. Change Settings (Tools->Options)Change LogVersion 1.9Minor bug fixes, improved progress display & optimizations Version 1.8Add support for full solution analysis Version 1.7Added interfaces & classes to the count Version 1.6Fix private fields count Version 1.5Added Public, Private, Protected, Internal categorization for method, properties and fields Version 1.4Added header to issues display grid Bug fix - exclude obj folder Version 1.3Added new large methods feature in issues section minor fixes Version 1.2Added missing for and foreach block counts Version 1.1defect fixes and performance improvements License |