Visual Studio allows you to specify different code formatting rules for different languages it understands, but in many cases the formatting only applies to new code you're writing. For example, C# lines generally get formatted when you hit the end of the line and type the semicolon... but the only line that gets formatted is the one you just completed. Wouldn't it be nice if the whole document would adhere to the same formatting without you having to pay attention to it? DX_FormatOnSave is a DXCore/CodeRush/Refactor plugin that allows you to automatically have Visual Studio apply code formatting to the entire document you're working on when you save. That way you don't have to think about it - your documents will always be formatted. Requires DXCore 11.2.8 or later. Note that this is similar to the functionality of the "Format on Save" component ofthe VS PowerCommands plugin, but this plugin has tighter control over which document types will be auto-formatted. If you have both this and the VS PowerCommands installed, you will want to disable one or the other so the two don't compete. For more information, check out the plugin project page on GitHub. NOTE: DXCore 12.2.5 - 12.2.6 don't properly detect VSIX extensions. You may not see this plugin show up if you're using those versions. |