The software landscape is demanding that you constantly deploy value. With the tasks provided by the Trackyon Advantage extension, you can do just that.
Trackyon Advantage will continue to evolve to meet new challenges as they arise as we all embark on this DevOps journey.
This extension installs the following components:
- A cross-platform Zip task to package any folder as a zip file ready to be used by Azure deployment tasks
- A cross-platform WAR converter task to convert WAR files into zip files ready to be used by Azure deployment tasks
- A Windows agent Swap slot task able to swap Azure Web App deployment slots
- A Windows agent Start/Stop slot task to start or stop a Azure Web App deployment slot
- A ClickOnce task that signs your manifest and deployment files
- A cross-platform start build task
Zip a folder
This task is supported on Mac, Linux, and Windows agents.
Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon Zip
task from the Utility
Enter the required parameter values:
- Folder to Zip: Enter or browse to the folder you wish to zip.
- Path to file Zip file: Enter or browse to the folder you wish to store the zip file. The path must end with the name of the zip file to be created.

Convert a WAR file
This task is supported on Mac, Linux, and Windows agents.
Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon WAR Converter
task from the Utility
Enter the required parameter values:
- Copy Root: The folder to start the search for the WAR file when provided a mini-match. The default is the agent root directory.
- WAR file: Enter or browse to the WAR file to be converted. You can use a mini-match pattern.
- Working Directory: Enter or browse to the folder the WAR file will be transformed in. The file will be extracted, and the folders adjusted and zipped.

Swap Deployment Slots
This task is only supported on Windows agents.
Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon Swap Slots
task from the Deploy
Enter the required parameter values:
- Azure Subscription: Azure Classic service endpoint
- Web App Name: Name of Web App where the slots are to be swapped
- From Slot: The slot to swap from
- To Slot: The slot to swap to

Start/Stop Deployment Slot
This task is only supported on Windows agents.
Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon Start/Stop
Slot task from the Deploy
Enter the required parameter values:
- Azure Subscription: Azure Classic service endpoint
- Web App Name: Name of Web App where the slots are you want to Start or Stop
- Slot: The slot to Start or Stop
- Action: Start or Stop

ClickOnce (preview)
This task is only supported on Windows agents. Prepare your project by following the steps described in Building ClickOnce Applications from the Command Line. This task is still in preview.
Add the following MSBuild Arguments to your Visual Studio Build
- /t:Publish
- /p:ApplicationVersion=x.x.x.$(Build.BuildID) Replace x with version numbers
- /p:InstallURL=http://YourURL/YourApp.application
- /p:PublisherName=Your Company Name

Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon ClickOnce
task from the Deploy
Enter the required parameter values:
- Publish Directory: The folder that contains your *.application file
- Certificate: Path to your *.pfx file
- Password: The password for your certificate

Start Build
This task is supported on Mac, Linux, and Windows agents. The other build to be started must be in the same team project.
Open your build or release definition and add the Trackyon Start Build
task from the Utility
Enter the required parameter values:
- Build ID: The ID of another build in the same team project to start.