Directory which your (exe's/dll's) reside in. Example: $(build.sourcesDirectory)\Demo\Example\bin
Comma-Delimitied file names to run code analysis on. Example: Example.dll, Example.Data.dll
Output File
Output file for the results to be written too. By default the output is written using FxCopReport.xsl. Example: $(build.sourcesDirectory)\Demo\Example\bin\codeanalysisresult.html
Include Summary
Display's summary after analysis. The summary shows the number of items found, how many items were new, and the running time for the analysis.
Verbose (Advanced)
Provides verbose output during analysis
Rule Set Directory (Advanced)
Provides a way to specify a alternative rule set directory.
XSL Template (Advanced)
By Default the output file is written using FxCopReport.xsl. Use this field to specify a alternative xsl file.
FxCop Executable Path (Advanced)
By Default the this task will look for the static code analysis under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 and C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0. Use this field to specify a alternative FxCop location.