N-Tier support for Entity Framework with Visual Studio project and item templates for quickly building n-tier applications using entities that are change-tracked on the client and persisted on the server via WCF or ASP.NET Web API.
You may also view the project source code on GitHub, where you can ask questions, file issues for bugs and feature requests, and also submit pull requests: https://github.com/tonysneed/trackable-entities.
The core functionality of Trackable Entities resides in a set of NuGet packages:
ChangeTrackingCollection<T>: Extends ObservableCollection<T> - Tracks entities that are added, removed or modified - Provides a GetChanges method retuning cloned entity updates
TrackableEntities.EF5 and TrackableEntities.EF6 .NET 4.5 Class Library
Includes ApplyChanges extension method to DbContext - Walks object graph of ITrackable entities, informing DbContext of changes
The TrackableEntities VSIX installer provides a set of Visual Studio 2012 project templates:
Entity.tt T4 template for reverse engineering client trackable entities - For use with the Entity Framework Power Tools
Context.tt, Mapping.tt and Entity.tt T4 templates for reverse engineering
EF Code First data context and mapping files and service trackable entities
TrackableWebApi and TrackableWcfService
ASP.NET Mvc Web API project and WCF project - Includes a T4 template that customizes the built-in template for Api Controllers with read/write actions using Entity Framework - References a ServiceEntities project with generated EF classes and trackable entities - Code is tailored to use trackable entities with ApplyChanges extension method
Console Client project - References a ClientEntities project with ChangeTrackingCollection and trackable entities
There are also samples available which demonstrate usage of Trackable Entities templates and packages:
WebApiSample, WcfSample
Implementation of the TrackableWebApi and WCF templates - ReadMe file with step-by-step instructions