What Is It?
Callisto is a library for use in Windows 8.1 XAML applications (aka Metro style apps). The XAML framework in Windows.UI.Xaml is great, but has some functionality that isn't provided in-the-box in a few controls and APIs. Callisto serves to provided added functionality on top of the XAML UI framework for Windows.
NOTE: For Windows 8 support please install 1.3.1 VSIX from the project archive.
What's In It?
So far Callisto includes:
* `Flyout` - a primitive that includes positioning and 'light dismiss' logic
* `Menu` - primarily to be used from AppBar, contains the base for providing, well, a Menu
* `MenuItem` - an item for a menu, including separators and contains the command point for the menu item
* `SettingsFlyout` - an item to create a custom settings pane UI
* `LiveTile` - an in-app tile experience to give you animated or 'live' tiles
* `Tilt` - an effect to provide the tilt experience when clicked on edges/corners
* OAuth helpers - a set of helpers to create OAuth 1.0 signatures/headers for those sites that hate OAuth 2.0 :-)
* `BooleanToVisibilityConverter` - a converter to well, convert boolean to visibility, very common use
* `LengthToBooleanConverter` - a converter to examine a string length to convert to boolean (simple validation helper)
* `RelativeTimeConverter` - a converter to show time as relative string, i.e., 'about an hour ago'
* Extensions - some extension method helpers
What is in the plan:
* `DatePicker` and `TimePicker` - providing a globalized time/date picker control in Metro style
* `Pivot` - a UI interface for providing "tabbed" interface in a Metro style way
* `ThemeSwitcher` - to dynamically switch themes for certain UI components
How To Use It?
Visit for some usage examples. A sample project with random usage is available also in the source.
## I found an Issue
Great, please [log a bug]( so that it can be tracked.
## Credits and Acknowledgements
* [Tim Heuer]( ([@timheuer]( - for the initial conception of the toolkit.
* [Morten Nielsen]( ([@dotMorten]( - core contributor
* Moon logo from [The Noun Project]( which is a great source for Metro style iconography
### Open Source Project Credits
Some of the code represented in the toolkit is forks/ports of other Open Source libraries. Where used, their license is reprsented in the code files.
* [Silverlight Toolkit]( - for providing the base of many ported concepts/code. Licensed under Ms-PL
* [RestSharp]( - the OAuth helper file is a fork from the RestSharp project which uses this internally for some authenticators. Licensed under Apache 2.0