Numbered Bookmarks allows users to create and recall bookmarks by using numbers. User can create 10 bookmarks (starting from 0 to 9). User can add or navigate to the particular bookmark by using the same shortcut key. The tool adds a bookmark margin to visual studio editor, next to scrollbar. Whenever a bookmark is created a visual glyph is placed on the bookmark margin. User can also create/navigate/clear bookmarks from Numbered Bookmarks menu under tools menu.
Create bookmark: Press key combination Ctrl+Alt+<Number> to create a bookmark, where <Number> can be any number from 0 to 9.
Navigate to bookmark: Press key combination Ctrl+Alt+<Number> to move to the bookmark location.
Delete a bookmark: Right click on the bookmark, in the bookmark margin.
Delete all bookmarks: Press key combination Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.
Information about bookmark: Mouse hover over the bookmark shows basic information about it, that includes bookmark number, file name, line number and column number.
How to use information: Mouse hover over the Green coloured bookmark in the Bookmark Margin shows the basic how to.
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