Empowering development teams to deliver modern-looking solutions in less time requires a periodical revision of Progress Developer Tools offerings. It goes both ways – adding new products to meet evolving business needs and retiring tools that have served their purpose. Investing our efforts in the right direction ensures you get the most up-to-date solutions to build engaging UI and elevate user experience.
We would like to inform you that Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Extension (Visual Studio 2019) for Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Core is now deprecated. This means that we will no longer be actively maintaining or updating this extension. From now onwards we shift our focus to creating and maintaining extensions specifically designed for Visual Studio 2022.
What does this Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Extension (Visual Studio 2019) deprecation mean for you?
- No further updates or improvements will be released for this specific extension.
- Limited support only will be provided for issues or inquiries related to the deprecated extension.
- Migration to our extensions for Visual Studio 2022 is highly recommended.
We appreciate your trust in us and thank you for your support along the way.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Extension for VS 2017
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Extension for VS 2022
The Visual Studio Extensions for Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Core aim to significantly boost your productivity when creating ASP.NET Core projects in Visual Studio. It includes several predefined Visual Studio Project Templates with the Telerik Grid, Menu, Dashboard, Razor Pages, and applying styling from a large list of professionally designed Telerik project themes. Additionally, the Visual Studio Extensions Package includes a Convert Wizard that automates the setup and enablement of Telerik UI components and resources in your existing ASP.NET Core apps.
Create New Telerik ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Visual Studio Extensions speed up the process of developing new projects through the Create New Project Wizard. It can be accessed from the Extensions menu under Telerik > Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core by clicking Create New Telerik Project. Alternatively, you can go to File menu > New > Project where you can navigate to the Telerik ASP.NET Core application. Selecting the option will prompt you to give a name and location for your ASP.NET Core project. Next you need to select desired Telerik ASP.NET Core version and whether you prefer Tag or HTML helpers. You can also choose from one of the five Telerik project templates:
- Blank – lets you develop your application from scratch with the Telerik UI components enabled.
- Standard – includes three example pages with integrated Panel Bar, Card and TabStrip components for you to start off with.
- Grid and Menu – contains Grid, Menu and Buttons as a base for your ASP.NET Core application.
- Grid Razor Pages – includes Grid with enabled CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations.
- Dashboard – lets you quickly develop dashboards and dashboard-like applications using the built-in TileLayout component.
- Admin - lets you jump quickly into the action of a complete app developed using Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core.
As a last step, the Visual Studio Wizard lets you pick, preview and apply one of the many out-of-the box Telerik themes such as Default, Bootstrap or Material.

Check out this documentation page for more information.
Convert to Telerik ASP.NET Core Project
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Visual Studio Extensions include a Convert Project Wizard, which performs all need configurations, adds references and enables Telerik UI components in your existing application with just a few clicks. The Visual Studio Wizard is accessed from the Extensions menu > Telerik > Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core > Convert to Telerik Application. You can choose the desired release version of UI for ASP.NET Core, as well as create a backup of your project before the conversion. You will also have the option to easily apply one of the Telerik built-in themes and adjust some project settings.

Please review our documentation page for more information.
Configuring Projects
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Visual Studio Extension includes a Configure Project Wizard which helps you customize the look and feel of existing Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core applications and project settings. It can be found under Extensions > Telerik > Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core > Configure Project. You can change the visual theme of your Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core application, modify the project settings by selecting the Render Right-To-Left (update the master page with RTL support), Copy Global Resources (copy the localization files) and Use CDN Support (enable/disable Kendo UI CDN support) options.
Please review our documentation page for more information.
Update to Latest Version
When loading a project in Visual Studio with enabled Telerik UI controls, a notification will be displayed if there is a newer version detected. You can update your Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core release version with a click of a button.
For more details, look at our documentation page.
Share to Telerik REPL
The Telerik Visual Studio Extension for ASP.NET Core also provides integration with Telerik REPL for ASP.NET Core which is a browser-based playground for creating, saving, running and sharing of ASP.NET Core code snippets.
Using the Share to Telerik REPL for Asp.Net Core option from the code editor context menu, you can easily export your snippet while coding in Visual Studio and share the generated URL to social media, community forums or send it to a team mate.
Help Resources
a. Learn More about Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Components
b. Download Free Trial
c. Documentation
d. Online Demos
e. Release History
f. Pricing and upsell options
g. Community Forums
h. Suggest a Feature
Revision notes
- What's Fixed
- Fix CDN link to scripts in Razor pages template
- What's New
- Add .NET 8 support for Asp.Net Core Project Templates
- Add support for VS for ARM in VS extensions
- What's Fixed
- ASP.Net Core Api converted project doesn't create a master page when passed through Configure Wizard
- Local resources instead of CDN are referred in _Layout.cshtml on creating a new project
- Local resources are copied to project folder when CDN is used
- Missing menu commands
- What's New
- Update CDN version
- Update Newtonsoft.Json in csproj files
- What's Fixed
- _Layout file is not in Shared folder in the Razor pages example
- What's New
- Improve performance on document save
- What's Fixed
- ProductUsed metric is missing ProjectTargetFramework, IsLessFileUsed, ThemeName and IsSassTheme
- A redundant sln file is generated when adding Telerik ASP.NET Core project to an existing solution
- Visual Studio crashes after 24 hours
- What's Fixed
- Missing _Layout.cshtml file in Core Razor pages template
- Visual Studio crashes after 24 hours
- What's Fixed
- System.ArgumentNullException is thrown in Visual Studio
- What's New
- Review wording in DistributionKind enum
- What's Fixed
- Visual Studio crashes after 24 hours
- What's Fixed
- Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project is instantiated with wrong parameter
- What's New
- Apply project templates changes
- Remove User Settings VS package
- What's New
- Internal improvements and refactoring
- What's Fixed
- File not found exception is thrown when creating a new project with Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 or earlier
- What's New
- Improve VS Extensions responsiveness on solution loading
- What's Fixed
- Configure wizard adds incorrect js/css references when CDN option is disabled
- What's new:
- Separate a vsix package for VS 2017
- What's Fixed
- Add DPL Nuget Configuration wizard
- After an upgrade Visual Studio is launched in Admin mode
- What's New
- Internal improvements and refactoring
- What's New
- Change in distributed files names in styles folder
- What's New
- Fix warnings in Asp.Net Core project templates
- Add localization option to Core new project wizard
- Update detection of TagHelpers usage in Core
- Update ASP.NET Core Scaffolders
- Add code snippets for GridLayout, StackLayout and TimeDurationPicker
- What's Fixed
- Asp.Net Core snippets break IntelliSense
- What's New
- Use Telerik web login for VS extensions authentication
- Add .NET 7 Official Support
- Drop of .NET 5 Support
- What's New
- Add ASP.NET Core snippet support for VS2019
- Add new code snippets in ASP.NET Core VS extension
- Pre-fill default values for parameter placeholders in snippets
- Implement VS snippets tab stops functionality
- What's Fixed
- Typing dot character in C# code breaks intellisense in Visual Studio 2022
- The prefix of Core code snippets remains after insertion
- NullReferenceException is thrown when launching ASP.NET Core Configure Wizard without installed distribution
- What's Fixed
- Space is not inserted for the first time when ASP.NET Core extension is installed
- What's New
- Add new Fluent theme to the VS extensions
- Implement snippet completion for ASP.NET Core
- What's Fixed
- Handle wizards' crashes when no product distribution is installed
- ASP.NET Core Convert wizard crashes when there is no _Layout.cshtml file in project
- What's New
- Introduce Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Scaffolders
- What's Fixed
- Create New Telerik Application command selects the last used Project template instead of the template for the selected Telerik product from the menu
- What's New
- Reference Bootstrap 5 in VS templates
- What's Fixed
- Visual Studio gets unresponsive when loading SSDT/SSIS/SSRS projects and Telerik extension(s) are installed
- What's New
- Add the new Ocean Blue Swatch to the project templates
- Add code snippets in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core VSExtension
- Optimize target framework selection in ASP.NET Core New project wizard
- Add Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson reference to Blank Project template
- What's Fixed
- Release notes link from Newer version notification for LIB leads to the page of Official Releases' notes
- What's New
- Stop .NET Core 2.0, 2.2 and 3.0 support for UI for ASP.NET Core extensions
- What's New
- Update Asp.Net Core project templates to comply with v5-dev component options
- What's Fixed
- ShowNotificationsError handled error is sent for missing Telerik.SystemSettings.dll in VS2022 extension
- Material-Arctic theme is incorrect in wizards
- Remove common styles for Sass themes
- What's New
- Update CDN in UI for ASP.NET Core project templates
- What's Fixed
- ASP.NET Core configure wizard doesn't remove Scripts and Content when CDN option is turned on
- What's New
- Extensions for VS2022 are now official
- Add .NET 6 in UI for ASP.NET Core New Project Wizard
- Select HTML helpers by default in ASP.NET Core New project wizard
- What's New
- Add new themes for UI for ASP.NET Core
- Share ASP.NET Core REPL code snippet in VS extension
- What's New
- Create Project Configuration Wizard for ASP.NET Core
- Added support for NET5, NET6 and Razor Pages projects in UI for ASP.NET Core Convert Project Wizard
- Add Admin template in ASP.NET Core extension
- What's New
- Internal improvements and refactoring
- What's New
- Added new document processing assembly Telerik.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Doc
- What's Fixed
- Improved extension responsiveness in Visual Studio 2019
- What's Fixed
- VSExtensions make VS2017 unresponsive on save operation in SSDT/SSIS projects
- 'Get Latest' does not work in Visual Studio 2012/2013
- SystemOverflow exception is thrown when trying to set VS notifications position and VS window coordinates are negative
- What's New
- Update content of VS Marketplace description
- Add .Net 5 support in ASP.NET Core New Project Wizard
- What's Fixed
- FileNotFoundException is thrown when "lib" folder is used in Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019
- Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core is available under the context menu of WPF and Winforms NetCore project
- ASP.NET Core Convert to Telerik Application command is available under the Telerik menu when there is not an opened project
- ASP.NET Core Convert wizard is available for .NET 5 project
- ASP.NET Core New Project wizard does not list versions of .NET Core greater than 3.1.9
- What's New
- Move Telerik user settings into Visual Studio Options dialog
- What's Fixed
- Visual Studio unresponsiveness improvements
- ASP.NET Core Convert Project Wizard could not be launched
- What's Fixed
- DirectoryNotFound Exception is thrown when path to ShadowCopy is too long
- What's New
- Implement an HTML/Tag Helper selector in the New Project Wizard
- Enable usage tracking of DPL NuGet packages
- What's New
- Create Convert project wizard
- Register local ASP.NET Core packages NuGet feeds when creating a Telerik ASP.NET Core projects
- What's New
- Adapt Notifications to Visual Studio 2019 Telerik menu locations
- Introduce new Dashboard project template
- What's Fixed
- Remove redundant files form Visual Studio extension package files
- Incomplete not supported message for Grid Razor Pages project template is shown when .NET Framework option is selected
- What's New
- Update VS extension icon and preview image
- What's Fixed
- FileNotFound exception is thrown when we try to get information for assembly referenced from a not restored NuGet package
- What's New
- Internal improvements and refactoring
- What's New
- Remove duplicate project template entries in Visual Studio 2019 project wizard list
- Add tags for Visual Studio 2019 project template entries
- Track SpreadSheetStreaming assembly usage
- What's Fixed
- Visual Studio Notifications do not work correctly on monitors with high DPI
- Project type parameter in DPL ComponentUsed metric is always Wpf
- Handled DirectoryNotFoundException when using "Place solution and project in the same directory" option
- What's New
- Update EULAs, Third Party notices and extensions names
- Remove Telerik project templates for .NET Core 1.0 and .NET Core 1.1 versions from New Project Wizard
- Add theme selection as second step of the New Project Wizard
- Аdd ASP.NET Core 3.0 compatible project templates
- What's Fixed
- Confirm file overwrite dialog is not compliant with Visual Studio Dark theme
- Download location is not updated when using Browse button in VS extensions options wizard
- Unsupported ASP.NET Core versions are available into the Distribution Lister when ASP.NET Core 3.0 version is selected
- Incorrect package source is registered in NuGet.config when creating a new ASP.NET Core project
- What's Fixed
- Telerik ASP.NET Core project could not be created in a fresh install of Visual Studio 2019
- System.AggregateException error is thrown when VS extension packages are not initialized
- What's New
- Changed Visual Studio extensions prerequisites - .NET Cross-platform development workload is now required
- Updated ASP.NET Core 3.0 project templates
- What's Fixed
- Notifications from Telerik Visual Studio extensions do not appear in Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio hangs after launching Telerik project from .sln file
- Telerik Visual Studio extensions make RPC (Remote Procedure Call) calls from background threads in AsyncPackage
- What's New
- Add ASP.NET Core 3.0 compatible project templates
- What's Fixed
- Lib folder is not checked-in with Solution when "Integrate with source control" option is selected in Visual Studio Extensions
- Get Latest Version dialog is missing in Visual Studio 2012
- Visual Studio extensions tracking data is not sent for Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2015
- What's New
- Updated Newer Online Version notification text
- What's New
- Improve Visual Studio 2019 template selection
- What's Fixed
- VS extensions throw NullReferenceException while trying to initialize ProductUsedTrackers
- UI for ASP.NET Core VS extensions throw NullReferenceException while trying to create new project
- What's New
- Update Telerik ASP.NET Core templates to reference Bootstrap4
- What's Fixed
- VSExtensions throw InvalidCastException while creating new project
- What's New
- Fix "FullPath" property usage in VS extensions
- What's Fixed
- VSExtensions throw NullReferenceException while trying to use TFS integration
- What's New
- Improve getting user available releases in VS extensions
- Update Templates added to Asp.Net Core GridRazorPages project
- What's Fixed
- Old product version is referred when Grid Razor Pages template is created with ASP.NET Core VSExtension
- What's New
- Updated Newer Online Version notification text
- What's New
- Asynchronous VS extensions loading
- Add support for VS 2019 in Visual Studio extensions
- Update company name in VS extensions copyright
- New Template for Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core - RazorPages
- Add support for .NET Core 2.2 in ASP.NET Core extension
- Update Core templates with custom Scaffold Templates folder
- Add missing reference for tag helpers in Razor Pages Template
- What's Fixed
- Metrics are always sent when isolated storage xmls are invalid
- Isolated storage files are invalid after removal of old checks
- CoreTagHelpers component tracking is not sent for ASP.NET Core projects
- ASP.NET Core project cannot be created if only .NET Core 2.1 development tools are installed
What's New
- Update newer online version notifications messages
- Add Support Menu Options in VS Extension
- Remove bower.json from Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core VS Templates
- Drop support for Visual Studio 2015 in UI for ASP.NET Core extensions
What's Fixed
- UnauthorizedAccessException is thrown when we access %appdata%\Telerik*.xml files
- What's Fixed
- An exception is thrown in VS Extensions wizard when identity service cannot be accessed
- What's New
- Update Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core VS Templates for R2 2018 SP1 - upgraded 2.1 configuration from 2.1-preview to 2.1 official
- Update Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core VS Templates for R2 2018 SP1
- Acquire user consent for collecting data in VS extensions
- What's New
- Update Telerik AD to Telerik EAD in VS extensions
- Add option for .NET Framework in Kendo ASP.NET Core project templates
- Add support for ASP.NET Core 2.x runtime
- Update newer online version notifications texts
- Newer version notification is not presented for ASP.NET Core product
- What's New
- Improve extensions notifications messages
- What's Fixed
- VSExtensions throw NullReference exception when trying to handle UnauthorizedAccessException
What's New
- Update Telerik ASP.NET Core project templates
- Create new project template for Kendo UI Angular with ASP.NET Core
- Add ASP.NET Core SDK and runtime versions data in related metrics
- Add specific component suite for ASP.NET Core tag helpers tracking
What's Fixed
- Standart asp.net core project could not be build when using asp.net core 1.0
- VS Extensions crash in Visual Studio 2017 due to missing Text Templating component
- Handled XamlParseException is sent when trying to show notifications in VSExtensions
- Extensions notifications do not show up after extension upgrade
- UpdateReferences action throws UnauthorizedAccessException trying to access distribution.xml file
- UnauthorizedAccess exception is shown when user uses notification without write access to %Appdata%\Telerik
- Visual Studio crashes during project upgrade due to AccessViolationException
- UnauthorizedAccessException is shown when the options dialog is used without write access to %Appdata%\Telerik
- What's Fixed
- ASP.NET Core project could not be created under VS2017 Preview 1.1
- Distribution is not listed when .NET Core SDK 2.1.0 or later is installed
- Dte.ServicePack parsing fails when region and input format are different from en-US
- What's New
- Update demos.telerik.com URLs to use HTTPS in VS extensions
- Rename products short names in VS extensions
- What's Fixed
- Selected version is not persisted when changing .NET Core SDK version in New Project Wizard
- ArgumentOutOfRange exception is thrown when more than expected .NET Core SDKs are detected
- What's New
- Add support for .NET Core 2.0 in ASP.NET Core project templates
- Improve VS extensions UI in custom DPI
- What's Fixed
- More Information link in Extensions Manager is missing
- .NET Core templates could not be published if targeting ASP.NET Core 1.1
- What's New
- Implement monitor DPI and resolution metrics
- Use all release notes URLs in VS Extensions
- What's New
- Add EditorTemplates in Standard template of MVC5 project.
- Add layout page that links the CDN resources to the blank templates
- Update projects to obtain Kendo resources consistently for all templates
- What's Fixed
- VS Extensions UpdateReferences action crash with FileNotFoundException
- What's New
- Rebrand Visual Studio extensions
- What's New
- Improve ASP.NET Core project templates - project.json dependencies versions
- Update Telerik ASP.NET Core project templates
- What's Fixed
- ASP.NET Core New Project Wizard always uses the latest installed Distribution no matter the chosen one from the drop down
- project.json file has an additional "," after the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink.Loader package name
- What's New
- Add Digital Signature for VSExtensions
- Maintain property names during serialization in the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Standard project template
- Update ASP.NET Core VS extensions project templates and copy resources according to the latest version
- Add "Need Help" links for ASP.NET Core New Project Wizard and Latest Version Acquirer
- What's Fixed
- Empty and Grid and Menu ASP.NET Core Project templates use the old csproj format in Visual Studio 2015
- What's New
- Added new project templates
- Added support for Visual Studio 2017 RC
- Added Editor Templates to MVC Core project template
- Added New project wizard